bristol county beekeepers associationWe Collaborate & Educate to Preserve the Future of Honeybees | Member Sign In |
June 22, 2024
River Day is the WRWA's annual FREE family fun day to celebrate the River, offering many activities and staged performances.
River Day this year featured many local vendors and exhibitors with the emphasis on the environment. Many of the local non-profits offered an interactive children’s activity for a fun learning experience.
Once again, our club shared resources and information about local beekeeping with attendees. Thanks to Leslie Knowles, Amy Tessier, and Charlene Mello....a dream team of experience and information about honeybees for sharing the love.
The best deal on jars around. BrCBA volunteers distributed cases of one-pound and two-pound jars to use for honey. Thanks to the volunteers who helped with the sale coordination and the distribution. Thanks, too, to the Bristol Agricultural High School for their continued support of the BrCBA and local beekeeping.
June 9, 2024
The Taunton River Watershed Alliance (TRWA) is hosted its annual June festival on the banks of the Wild & Scenic Taunton River in celebration of National Rivers Month. TRWA's mission is to protect and restore the Taunton River Watershed’s natural resources for current and future generations.
Once again, the BrCBA supported this event with our beekeeping awareness program featuring resources, live bees, and more to help spread the word about local beekeeping. Huge thanks to Leslie Knowles and Kai Armstrong for sharing the bee love.
June, 2024
BrCBA at the Rotch Jones Duff Museum in New Bedford with 4th grade students from the Congdon School. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers: Tom and Maryann Lord, Leslie Knowles, Beverly Pusateri, Jan and Dave Baxter and Brenda Dias. The kiddos were great and it was a very fun day.
A historic recreation of a wooden apiary serves the fifth grade Apiary Program and offers exhibits related to pollination and beekeeping. The program utilizes this unique urban garden setting to introduce students to the important role of the honey bee, gardening techniques, conservation practices, bee-keeping operations and the interdependency of the environment in plant and food production.
November 4, 2023
Bristol Community College
A fantastic and informative event with 2 renowned speakers, Deborah Klughers and Paul Kelly.
8 vendors offered a variety of useful and beautiful bee products.
Mass Bee sponsored a Honey Show and Contest, with Chris and Paul Delaney judging
Lauri Bissonette took home top honors in the 'Baking with Honey' category with her Honey, Lemon and Ginger Biscotti...yum.Amy Tessier took home 2 of the coveted honey awards.
Many thanks to our volunteers, MaryAnne and Tom Lord, Cindy Kerr, Debb Stellmach, Kai Armstrong, Lisa Sherman, Lauri Bissonette, Tiffiney Barlow, Ami Isham, Mike Delaney, Kitty deGroot, Sara Roy, Ann Dunham, John Sawyer, Tim Cummings, Ed Lowe, Kristen Lofstrom, Bill Mackintosh, Mary Ann Zuber, Charlene Mello. From start to finish, you all made it happen.
September 24, 2023
Rotch Jones Duff House Museum, New Bedford, MA
September 9, 2023
Little Compton, RI
Club member, Bill Mac MacIntosh, hosted 20 beekeepers at his beautiful apiary in Little Compton.
We opened hives as he talked about single brood hives, queen rearing, bee nutrition, winterizing, benefits of 9 frame honey supers and a plethora of other topics.
Ed Lowe offered a honey harvesting workshop in Mac’s barn demonstrating hot knife wax removal and proper frame loading for extraction.
This was our first apiary hive opening event in 3 years and could not have been any better!
Big thanks to Mac, Ed and President Mike for making it all happen.
May 27, 2023
American Legion, Berkeley, MA
Thanks to Tom and Mary Ann Lord, Kai Armstrong, Holly Palladino, and Leslie Knowles for volunteering.
Thanks to Charlene Mello, her helper, Glenys Foster and Tom and Mary Ann Lord for volunteering for the event.
It was a beautiful day. Tim sold some honey.
Spoke with lots of people and handed out some of our brand new club informational postcards.
Bristol County Beekeepers attended this free fun family event sponsored by the Taunton River Watershed Alliance at Weir Riverfront Park in Taunton, MA. Club members were on hand with a table of educational materials and the honeybee observation hive.